"Dame Hickory, Dame Hickory,

Her's sticks for your fire,

Furze twigs and oak twigs,

And beech twigs, and brier!"

But when the old Dame Hickory came for to see,

She found "twas the voice of the False Faerie.


"Dame Hickory, Dame Hickory,

Her's meat for your broth,

Goose flesh and hare's flesh,

and pig's trotters both!"

But when the old Dame Hickory came for a see,

She found "twas the voice of the False Faerie.


"Dame Hickory, Dame Hickory,

Her's a wolf at your door,

His teeth grinning white,

And his tongue wagging sore!"

"Nay!" said Dame Hickory, "ye False Faerie!"

But a wolf 'twas indeed and famished was he.


"Dame Hickory, Dame Hickory,

Her's buds for you tomb,

Bramble and lavender,

And rosemary bloom!"

"Whsst!" sighs Dame Hickory, "you False Faerie,

You cry like a wolf, you do, and tourble poor me."

--Walter de la Mare